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Angelo Vaughn (2019-2022)

What is your connection to the neighborhood?

I grew up here. I went to St. Stephen's school and from a young age have participated in many community events.

Where are you from and what brought you to Hazelwood? 
I'm from here. I've always been here.


What are the TOP TWO most important parts of our mission that you are concerned about? 

Affordable rental housing and affordable homeownership

Why are the above issues important to you? 

I think think that these issues are the first steps towards creating a more vibrant and diverse Hazelwood without displacing those that are already here.


How does your background provide you with unique skills or insight to help tackle these issues as a board member? 

As a teacher, I believe that education is fundamental for a community--and that includes education on home ownership and rental.


What do you love about Hazelwood?

I love how the people in Hazelwood always have pride in their neighborhood and take such an interest in its future.

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