Get involved!
We would not be able to do all that we do, if it were not for the support of our community partners and the residents of Greater Hazelwood! If you would like join our efforts to preserve affordable housing and community greenspaces, there are several ways that you can help.

Become a member
Membership is FREE! As a member, not only can you vote to elect the board, you also receive weekly newsletters with important announcements about events, jobs, and resources. And, sometimes, free event tickets!

Make a general donation to your Neighborhood Investment Fund (NIF) to help stabilize housing for those in need, or donate to help low/moderate-income households in Greater Hazelwood transition to solar power.

Share information about our programs in conversations and on your social media so that more people can get help.
If you're free during the day, help us put up flyers.
Join a clean up event.