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Homepage online archives
Who we are
Since 2000, Hazelwood Initiative has published The Homepage, providing nearly 10,000 households each month with news and advertising that speak to the shared concerns and interests of Greater Hazelwood, Greenfield, Lincoln Place, Hays, New Homestead and Four Mile Run.
We are a recognized and trusted source of hyper-local news about development, the environment, health, housing, infrastructure, transit and other topics relevant to our readers. We encourage civic engagement and meaningful discourse through updates from elected officials and a range of contributors from our circulation area.
The Homepage follows the principals of ethical journalism. We do our best to achieve these ideals but when we fail, we admit the error and openly correct it in print and online.
The Homepage strives to be a platform for residents to engage in equitable community development, share their views, celebrate their successes, ask questions and connect with their neighbors.
We operate out of the Hazelwood Initiative office, but respect the uniqueness of each of the communities we serve. We are committed to covering our entire circulation area impartially, with integrity, humanity and accountability.
Respected hyper-local journalism
The Homepage is a proud member of the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association,
Pittsburgh Media Partnership
and the Pittsburgh Community Newspaper Network.
Advertising in The Homepage connects you with potential customers in your neighborhood and the communities closest to you, creating a loyal customer base you can build on.
We offer
Ad pricing designed to be affordable for small businesses.
Discounts for community-based nonprofits and multi-month ad purchases.
By choosing to advertise in The Homepage, you are supporting local journalism and helping keep this important free community resource active and sustainable.
Submission guidelines
The deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. on the second Friday of each month for publication the following month. Click here for a full list of 2024 deadlines.
Letters to the editor and school updates (up to 500 words), opinion pieces and personal essays (from 500 to 750 words), and original poems are welcome.
Pitches for reported articles are due by the first Friday of the month.
Meeting reports should be 300-750 words and include contact information and the time and place of the next scheduled meeting.
Submissions of photos, infographics or other artwork with or without a written submission are welcome. The Homepage must have the artist or photographer’s express permission to print their work and will credit them appropriately.
You will receive a confirmation of your submission within two business days. If you do not get a confirmation response, please send your submission again.
Issues arrive to readers at the beginning of each calendar month.
Please bear in mind
The Homepage reserves the right to decide what will appear in print and makes no guarantee of publication.
Submissions may be edited for length, grammar, punctuation and clarity.
Submissions received after the deadline may be declined or held for a future issue at the discretion of the editor.
Any submission containing plagiarized work, uncredited images, profanity or misinformation will be declined.
Please direct your questions, suggestions and story ideas to Juliet Martinez, managing editor, at or 412-421-7234 x406.
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