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Hazelwood Greenway Cleanup with Tree Pittsburgh

Mar. 26th | Saturday @ 9am - noon

As we continue our ReLeaf Greater Hazelwood work this year, there will be multiple opportunities to help green the neighborhood through tree prunings, plantings, and cleanup events. 


Sign up HERE.

Hazelwood Environmental Development Meeting

Mar. 28th | Monday @ 6pm

Join us for our monthly environmental development meeting where we discuss the potential environmental impact of planned development projects, as well as how we can improve greenspace access and climate resilience in Greater Hazelwood. April's meeting will feature an update the on the air quality monitoring projects and Earth Day (month) plans for April.  

RSVP HERE to get the Zoom Link. Meetings have captions for those with hearing difficulties.

CALL IN TO LISTEN: (646) 558-8656

Meeting ID: 824 6200 4765

Passcode: 106818

Meetings are every second Tuesday of the month.




Hazelwood Greenway Tree Planting

Apr. 9th | Saturday @ 9am - noon

As part of the ReLeaf Greater Hazelwood grant we are working with Tree Pittsburgh to support the restoration efforts of the greenway by planting more trees that can  help to reduce water run-off and future flood risk as our state is predicted to see more intense rainstorms as the climate changes.

Sign up HERE.


Hazelwood Community Meeting

Apr. 12th | Tuesday @ 6pm

Join us for our Monthly Community Meeting to get the latest news on proposed developments as well as resources to help you stay in your home comfortably and protect your health. 

RSVP HERE to get the Zoom Link. Meetings have captions for those with hearing difficulties.

CALL IN TO LISTEN: (646) 558-8656

Meeting ID: 853 9182 9343

Passcode: 796212

Meetings are every second Tuesday of the month.




Emergency Rental Assistance

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) run by Action Housing will stop accepting new applications on March 31st! If you know someone that needs help, make sure they go online to complete the application ASAP and contact us if they have any trouble.


ERAP covers both rent and utilities that are past due from the date of the original COVID shutdown last March. You must make less than 80% of area median income, and prove that you either lost income due to COVID or saw an increase in your expenses. There is no separate application process for residents of the county--it is for everyone in Allegheny County. Apply for the program at


PA Homeowner Assistance Fund

Help is now available for homeowners that have been impacted by the long COVID pandemic. Visit

Help to Pay your Internet Bill

There is now a covid relief program for low-income families suffering from the digital divide. You may be eligible for up to $50 off your internet bill and a $100 rebate on an internet device. For more information and to apply go to .


Additional COVID- 19 Resources
There are many organizations in our Greater Hazelwood community that are offering food and clothing assistance. There are also local, state, and federal resources for those that need rental and mortgage assistance during this time of crisis. 

Community Bulletin Board
Click here to see what's going on in the neighborhood

Stay informed and get involved!

Become a member

Membership is free and shows our funders that the community supports the work that we do. While anyone can attend a community meeting and we are proud to serve all residents of Hazelwood and Glen Hazel, only members can elect our Board of Directors. Each week, you will also receive our MailChimp newsletter letting you know of upcoming meetings, community events and job opportunities.

Like us on Facebook!


If you would like to support the work that we do, then you can donate to our Neighborhood Investment Fund! Traditionally, the NIF has been used to support


  1. the expansion of local small businesses,

  2. neighborhood programs that provide residents with opportunities for enriched cultural experiences, and

  3. assist local community groups in distributing needed resources such as food, school supplies, and diapers.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, this fund has been diverted entirely to support emergency relief efforts and provides up to $1,000 of rental, mortgage, utility, and property tax assistance as well as $200 for basic needs assistance.

To donate, please write a check payable to:

"Hazelwood Initiative, Inc."

Write: "NIF" in the memo line

Mail or Drop off to our mailbox here:

4901 Second Ave., 2nd floor 

Pittsburgh, PA 15207

Video: Development Activities Meeting

Nov. 9th | Almono Partners

Proposed changes to the Hazelwood Green site Preliminary Land Development

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