By April Clisura for Greenfield K8 PTO

Pittsburgh Public Schools Greenfield PreK-8 has new signage on Greenfield Avenue near the carwash giving us a more visible presence in the community. The school’s Parent Teacher Organization is also pleased that new raised crosswalks and speed humps along the business district will make it safer for our students walking home. We are proud that student Chris Ribarchak and teacher Christy Ruhe were 2024 honorees of Greenfield’s Community Awards committee.
A lot of important annual activities took place in fall and winter. Through the growing season, fourth grade teacher Mrs. Marano worked with students on the school garden consisting of raised beds installed by Grow Pittsburgh.
The Fall Fest and Trunk-or-Treat welcomed about 300 school and community members. The Turkey Trot encouraged physical fitness with two training days for students and families culminating with school-wide participation in a one-mile run. Students and families also returned to Schenley Skating Rink for a night of skating free to students.
Music teacher Ms. Paine and instrumental music instructor Mr. Cowan prepared students for the Holiday Concert. Instrumental music included fourth to eighth graders in a string/woodwind ensemble and brass/percussion ensemble. The choral performance included students in kindergarten through second grades and third through fifth grades.
Middle school students participated in team-building activities, including a September Social, Turkey Tug O’ War, and Reindeer Games.
A committed group of students led by Ms. Sommer planned games and activities for Fall Fest through the Student Envoy leadership program. They raised money for middle school activities through donut sales (which also brought representatives from the fire and police departments to visit with students and parents), ran concessions at interscholastic athletic meets held at the school, and planned Breast Cancer Awareness activities in October. The seventh grade envoy presented a mosaic to The Healing Partnership to honor Tree of Life victims.
Theater Club members, led by school counselor Mrs. Linnert, created a Haunted Gym at Fall Fest to raise money for their annual musical, which includes fourth and fifth graders.
In September, Dick’s Sporting Goods Foundation awarded Greenfield a grant to support athletics at the middle school level. Winning this grant was the result of a collaboration between three parents and six educators from the school. Led by athletic director Mrs. Marano, Mr. Gallagher and other coaches, the flag football, cross country, indoor basketball and swim teams participate in district meets, including a championship, and trained at the school.
Principal Dr. George and the coaches have invested an outstanding commitment of time in both the middle school Student Envoy and athletics at Greenfield. In an effort to introduce younger students to athletics, Dr. George brought the Soccer Shots and Little Dribblers programs to the school in the 2023-24 school year. Soccer Shots will start working with 6- through 8-year-old students in January.
The Parent Teacher Organization continued to advocate for student and family needs with critical need emergency food boxes and quarterly food box deliveries.
Several swap meets were held to collect unwanted gear such as books, Halloween costumes, Gator branded apparel and winter coats to redistribute them to students and family members who can reuse them.
April Clisura is a PPS Greenfield K-8 parent and PTO volunteer.