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Election resources for the 15th & 31st wards


Compiled by Addy Ward, 15th ward Democratic Committee vice-chair

Voting & Election Information - PA Department of State

1-877-VOTESPA (1-877-868-3772)

Vote 411 - League of Women Voters, non-partisan civic engagement organization - non-partisan voter-turnout non-profit

I have a felony conviction. Can I vote?

Voter Registration

Register online: You are qualified to vote if you are:

  • A United States citizen for at least 30 days before November 8, 2022

  • A resident of Pennsylvania and have lived in your election district for at least 30 days before November 8, 2022

  • At least 18 years of age on November 8, 2022 (Source)

You may want to submit a voter registration if you:

  • Are a new voter

  • Are uncertain if you have registered in the past

  • Have moved to a new address

  • Your name or other identifying information has changed

Registration Deadline is October 24 Received by mail, online or in person at 542 Forbes Ave., Suite 604, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Mail-in & Absentee Ballots

Mail-in & Absentee Ballot Application Deadline is November 1

Q: Who qualifies to request a mail-in ballot?

Any registered voter may request a mail-in ballot without indicating a reason

SOURCE not copied and pasted, but re-written from text on this page

Q: Who qualifies for an absentee ballot?

If you will be traveling outside of the municipality where you are registered or have an illness or disability that prevents you from going to the polling place on Election Day, you may request an absentee ballot. A reason is required.

SOURCE not copied and pasted, but re-written from text on this page, and some words are verbatim, in purple italics

Q: What kind of identification is required for a mail-in ballot?

When a voter qualifies under the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act, ID verification is not required.

If a voter does not qualify under that act, the law has requirements for identification verification for a mail-in ballot application. Please contact 1-877-VOTESPA or view details at for more information.

SOURCE not copied and pasted, but re-written from text on this page

Q: Can I always receive a mail-in ballot?

You must apply to receive mail-in ballots every year. You may sign up for the Annual Mail In Ballot Request list. Once on the list, you will receive an Mail-In Ballot application annually, and once you have had your mail in ballot approved for the year, you will receive a mail-in for every election the remainder of that year.

Q: If I have received a mail-in ballot, but want to go to my polling place after all, can I still vote?

Yes! You may bring your mail-in ballot along with the envelope to your polling place to surrender to the Judge of Elections when you go to vote. If you lost track of your mail-in ballot, you may vote by provisional ballot.

Q: If I have applied for a mail-in ballot, and my request has been approved, but have not received my ballot, may I vote?

Yes! If you are capable, you may go to your polling place, and state that you were registered for a mail-in ballot but did not receive it. The Judge of elections will issue you a provisional ballot.

Q: How do I return my absentee or mail-in ballot?

Return by mail:

  • Prepare your ballot, following instructions included with the ballot, affix postage to envelope

  • All ballots must be received by November 8th, 8:00pm. To be safe, mail ballots no later than November 1st.

Hand-deliver your Ballot

  • Return your ballot by 8:00pm on November 8th to the Allegheny County Elections Office: 542 Forbes Ave., Suite 604, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Q: Can I track my Ballot?

Yes! Track your Ballot application and your ballot here:

Q: I am disabled; can someone help me with my absentee or mail in ballot?

Yes! The county elections office allows you to designate an agent to obtain and/or return your mail in or absentee ballot on your behalf. This is the form:

Election Day is Tuesday, November 8

Polling Locations


Polling Locations are open from 7:00 am until 8:00 pm on Election Day (Tuesday, November 8, 2022).

If you are in line to vote at 8:00 pm, you are entitled to vote. You may not be turned aaway

What to Expect

If it is your first time voting at a particular location, you must show ID. It does NOT have to be a government issued photo ID; it can be a current utility bill or bank statement. If you have it, your voter registration card that was mailed to you after registering or updating your registration may be used. Other examples include. Approved forms of photo ID The ID must be valid and not expired

  • PA driver's license or ID card issued by PennDOT

  • ID issued by any other Commonwealth agency

  • ID issued by the U.S. Government

  • U.S. Passport

  • U.S. Armed Forces ID

  • Student ID

  • Employee ID

Approved forms of non-photo ID The ID must include the name and address of the elector

  • Voter's identification card issued by the voter registration commission

  • Non-photo ID issued by the Commonwealth

  • Non-photo ID issued by the U.S. Government

  • Firearm permit

  • Current utility bill

  • Current bank statement

  • Current paycheck

  • Government check



All polling locations are required to be accessible. This may mean there is a ramp or a separate entrance, and there should be accessible parking spaces near the door. All locations must also have at least one accessible voting system. You may also have a person assist at your polling location.

Issues or Problems

All Pennsylvanians may call the State Voter Hotline at 1-877-868-3772 with questions or if they encounter problems on election day.

The Lawyers Committee on Civil Rights provide a Voter Protection Hotline at 1-866-687-8683 (1-866-OUR-VOTE) or

Work the Polls

Many people are needed to be poll workers on election day. This is a paid position for the full election day (6:30am–9:00pm, typically). New poll workers also receive paid training. For more information or to apply, visit Allegheny County’s Election Division Website.

There is also a Student Poll Worker Program for High School students to promote civic engagement, open to students 17 and older.

It is a long day. Many people enjoy the civic pride that they feel in ensuring a secure election. Many families do it together and have been doing it together for many years.

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Pittsburgh, PA 15207
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